
Cclear  Limited Trademark Utilisation Criteria SE O

Use of  Tradenarks on Labelling and packaging:

1.1     Licensee unequivocally hereby assigns gll oodwill acquired in the Trademarkaraiasing from this Agreement to Licensor (Cclear Limited)

1.2     Licensee shall not, without Licensor's prior written permission, use the Trademark in close proximity to or in conjunction with any other trademarks or ornamentation, including slogans or taglines, or on the outside label of any package with any other trademarks, other than its own trademarks and the private label trademarks of its customers (if necessary).  Licensee shall not, without the prior written consent of Licensor: 1) use the Trademark as part of a corporate, business or trading name; or 2) attempt to register, register or own in any country: a) the Trademark; b) any domain name incorporating in whole or in part the Trademark or c) any name, domain name, keyword or mark confusingly similar to the Trademark.  Any such approved use by Licensee shall cease immediately upon the termination of any Agreement for any reason.

1.3     Licensee shall use the Trademark properly on all labels, containers, packaging, tags and displays (“Packaging”) and shall use its reasonable endeavours prominently to display and/or feature the Trademark in connection with all advertising of all Licensed Products.   All original Packaging and related product labels and any material changes in Packaging containing or referring to the Trademark which Licensee intends to use in connection with the Licensed Products must be approved in advance (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed) and in writing by Licensor to ensure proper trademark usage.  Licensor shall promptly review the Packaging submitted to it for review.  

1.4     On all visible Packaging and advertising, the Trademark shall be emphasised in relation to the surrounding material. All Packaging shall contain the Trademark and the name, trademark.

1.5     Licensee shall use the Trademark only in accordance with good trademark practice . Licensee's use of the Trademark shall be subject to reasonable instruction provided by Licensor from time to time during the Term.  Licensee shall conspicuously display on each Licensed Product or its Packaging and advertising the Trademark and licence notice required by Licensor's written instructions in effect as of the date of manufacture.

1.6     All Licensed Products shall comply with Applicable Laws  

1.7     Licensee agrees that it will not, during or after the Term of this Agreement, attack the validity of the Trademark or Licensor's rights therein.  All use of the Trademark by Licensee shall inure solely to the benefit of Licensor. Licensor agrees to attempt to register the Trademark for the Licensed Products in territories other than the Primary Territory if such territories are added to any Agreement

1.8     Licensee shall not take any action or omit to take any action which may reasonably be expected to derogate, erode or tarnish the Trademark, or otherwise diminish the value of the Trademark, in Licensor's reasonable opinion.

2007 - 2022 Cclear® all rights reserved

This logo is a Registered Trade Mark of the  CCLEAR® Brand and must be prominently displayed on all licenced products.